Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I Love You...


Much to my heart's happiness, Brooklyn has started saying "I Love You"!!! I must admit that I've been working on her to say it but she said it unprompted when we were leaving Nana and Pop's house on Sunday night. She was hugging Nana bye and she said "love you"! I was caught off guard but so happy to hear it!!
Then this morning, as the girls and I were leaving and I was telling Brannon bye I said "I love you" and Brooklyn was screaming "I Love You, I Love You" - she could not hear him respond, so she kept saying it over and over.
Then to make this momma's heart melt even more, when I dropped them off at school this morning, she went in just fine but had to give me a hug, kiss and nose kisses!!! So sweet!!!! Have I mentioned how much I love this cuddly stage!?!?


Pauline said...

There is nothing more gratifying than to have your children say..."I love you" matter how old a mother you may be or how old your kids are! Wisdom of the day!